Physically based shading in theory and practice

Stephen Hill, Stephen McAuley, Laurent Belcour, Will Earl, Niklas Harrysson, Sébastien Hillaire, Naty Hoffman, Lee Kerley, Jasmin Patry, Rob Pieké, Igor Skliar, Jonathan Stone, Pascal Barla, Mégane Bati, Iliyan Georgiev
SIGGRAPH 2020 (course)


Physically based shading has transformed the way we approach production rendering and simplified the lives of artists in the process. By adhering to physically based, energy-conserving models, one can easily create realistic materials that maintain their properties under a variety of lighting conditions. In contrast, traditional ad hoc models have required extensive tweaking to achieve the same result. Building upon previous incarnations of the course, we present further research and practical advice on the subject, from film and game production.

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